Tuesday, March 2, 2010




Tarikh: 2 Mac 2010


Saya tidak tahu dan tidak ingin tahu apakah peranan yang dimainkan oleh bekas Setiausaha Agung KEADILAN, Datuk Salehuddin Hashim. Beliau menafikan tuduhan sesetengah pihak bahawa beliaulah di belakang tindakan Anggota Parlimen (AP) yang keluar Parti dan saya mempercayainya.

Orang sudah tahu semua ADUN dan AP yang keluar mempunyai masalah kewangan ataupun masalah disiasat oleh SPRM. Namun tidak dinafikan ada juga masalah pribadi dengan pimpinan parti atau kerajaan negeri. Boleh dikatakan semuanya menemui PM Najib Razak dan ada kalanya isteri beliau, Rosmah Mansor, sebelum bertindak keluar.

Saya sentiasa berpendapat bahawa apabila daki sudah dibersihkan, kulit akan lebih menarik dan badan lebih sihat. Kita harus jangan lupa bahawa dalam sejarah permulaannya PAS, DAP dan bahkan UMNO menghadapi masalah Presiden, Setiausaha Agung dan pemimpin lain mereka berhenti. Akhirnya semua parti muncul lebih kuat.

Salehuddin telah memberikan khidmat baik kepada KEADILAN selama kira-kira enam tahun, tiga tahun sebagai Setiausaha Pengelola dan tiga lagi sebagai Setiausaha Agung. Biro Politik telah mencatatkan terima kasih atas jasanya.

Ada anggapan kononnya Parti mendapat khidmat Salehuddin secara percuma. Saya ingin merakamkan yang sebenar, iaitu Salehuddin bersetuju dibayar RM9,000 sebulan, walaupun asalnya beliau meminta US3,000 sebulan. Bayaran ini dibuat bukan oleh Parti tetapi oleh salah seorang penyokong.

Saya memang tahu selama beliau berkhidmat dengan baik, sikap Salehuddin terhadap Parti, terutama pimpinannya, sering turun naik. Akan tetapi kemarahan beliau memuncak apabila “permohonannya” untuk menjadi CEO Syarikat Perangsang, yang membawa gaji lebih dari RM50,000 sebulan, ditolak tidak lama sebelum beliau meletakkan jawatan.

Kini Salehuddin meramalkan kira-kira 10 orang lagi AP akan keluar Parti. Biarkanlah Salehuddin dengan ramalannya dan hanya masa saja yang akan membuktikan sama ada ramalan itu akan terbukti tepat atau tidak. Namun, dengan maklumat yang ada pada saya, saya percaya ini hanya sebagai tuduhan melulu bersifat perang urat saraf yang tidak mempunyai asas kukuh.

Timbalan Presiden, KEADILAN
Date: 2 March 2010


I do not know and I do not intend to find out what role is being played by ex-Secretary General of KEADILAN, Datuk Salehuddin Hashim. He has denied allegation by some that he is behind the actions of Parliamentarians who have left the Party, and I tend to believe him.

It is well-known that all the state councilors and MPs who left, had financial problems or were being investigated by the MACC. Nevertheless, undeniably there were also some problems with the state government or party leadership. Almost all of them met PM Najib Razak and in certain cases his wife, Rosmah Mansor, before quitting Party.

I have always held when the dirt is removed, the skin will look better and the body will be healthier. Lest we forget, in their earlier history, PAS, DAP and even UMNO suffered from their President, Secretary General and other leaders leaving their party. They all emerged stronger after that.
Salehuddin served the KEADILAN well for about six years, three years as Organising Secretary and another three years as Secretary General. The Political Bureau appreciated his services and recorded its thanks.

There’s a misconception that the Party received Salehuddin’s services for free. I wish to put the record straight that he agree to accept RM9000 a month, although earlier he requested for US3,000 monthly. The sum was not paid by the Party but by a party supporter.

I was aware that during his good services, there were constant ups and downs in his attitude towards the Party, particularly the leadership. But his anger climaxed when his “application” to be CEO of Syarikat Perangsang, which carries a monthly emolument of more than RM50,000 monthly was rejected, before he resigned as Party Sec-Gen.

Now Salehuddin speculates that about ten more MPs will leave the Party. I leave him with his speculation and only time will tell whether he is right or wrong. Nevertheless, with the information I have, I believe that this is unfounded and part of baseless psy-war against the Party.

Deputy President, KEADILAN

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