Thursday, March 4, 2010



Tarikh: 4 Mac 2010


Peristiwa beberapa orang Ahli Parliamen (AP) melompat keluar dari Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KEADILAN) merupakan proses penyucian yang dialu-alukan. Kami percaya apabila sudah tidak ada daki, kulit menjadi lebih bersih dan badan lebih sihat.

Sejarah menunjukkan PAS dan DAP mengalami cabaran lebih buruk pada peringkat permulaan mereka. Beberapa pimpinan utama mereka keluar parti. Dari DAP Goh Hock Guan (SUA), Richard Ho (pemimpin kanan), Lee Lam Thye dan lain-lain keluar parti. Ada pihak menganggap DAP akan lingkup. Sebaliknya ia menjadi lebih kuat sehingga kini.

Dari PAS pula, Asri Muda (Presiden), Osman Abdullah (SUA), Nakhaie Ahmad (Naib YDP) dan ramai lagi meninggalkan parti. Para pemimpin Umno menyangka dan mengharapkan PAS akan gulung tikar. Tetapi apa berlaku? PAS menjadi lebih teguh seperti yang terbukti sekarang.

Kita jangan lupa Umno juga melihat ramai pemimpin, termasuk tiga orang Presidennya – Onn Jaafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Hussein Onn - keluar parti dan tidak masuk semula sehingga mati. Tidak seperti Mahathir Mohamad, yang bercerai sekejap dan kemudian rujuk kembali. Berbeza dengan PAS dan DAP, Umno lebih parah keadaannya kini.

Ahli-ahli Parliamen yang melompat katak dari KEADILAN akhir-akhir ini, seperti Ahli-ahli Dewan Negeri yang berbuat serupa terdahulu darinya, menghadapi masalah pribadi serta kewangan dan ada yang mula disiasat oleh pihak SPRM (Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah).

Selain itu mereka tidak menjaga kawasan, tidak pernah menuyarakan rintihan apatah lagi membela hak rakyat. Mereka tidak menunjukkan prestasi yang baik dalam Parlimen – tidak pernah atau jarang sekali bercakap atau berbahas.

Pimpinan Umno meraih peluang dari kelemahan mereka. PM Najib Razak dan isterinya Rosmah Mansor menemui hampir semua sebelum mereka keluar – termasuk juga beberapa orang bukan ADUN atau AP yang boleh diperalatkan – dengan menjanjikan berbagai-bagai habuan untuk memikat mereka. Kami mendapat maklumat bahawa berpuluh juta dana disediakan oleh PM serta kroni konrporatnya untuk membeli ADUN dan AP, terutama dari KEADILAN.

Najib dan pemimpin Umno yang lain berikrar konon hendak berusaha menghapuskan korupsi. Sebaliknya mereka sentiasa melakukan korupsi politik dan kewangan besar-besaran. Tindakan korupsi mereka pasti akan menjadikan KEADILAN lebih teguh dan mantap dan disokong rakyat ramai.

Dr Syed Husin Ali
Timbalan Presiden, KEADILAN



Date: 4 March 2010


The actions of some Members of Parliament leaving the Malaysian Justice Party (KEADILAN) is a cleansing process that is very much welcome. When dirt is removed, the skin becomes cleaner and the body stronger.

History has shown that PAS and DAP faced more serious challenges especially during the earlier stages of their development. Many of their important leaders left. From DAP were Goh Hock Guan (Sec-Gen), Richard Ho (senior leader) and Lee Lam Thye, among others. Some people though that this would spell disaster tothe party, but instead DAP emerged much stronger until now.

As for PAS, many have left the party, among them Asri Muda (President), Osman Abdullah (Sec-Gen) and Nakhaie Ahmad (Vice President). Leaders of Umno then thought and hoped that PAS would close down. But what happened? PAS emerged very much strengthened as witnessed now.

Lest we forget, Umno itself experienced a number of their leaders quitting, including three former Presidents – Onn Jaafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Hussein Onn. They left and died outside Umno. This was different from Mahathir Mohamad, who divorced Umno only for a short while and then reconciled. Unlike the cases of PAS and DAP, Umno-BN is facing a disastrous situation now.

Members of Parliament who leap-frogged recently, like members of the State Councils before them, faced personal and financial problems, and a number of them were already being investigated by the MACC (Anti-Corruption Commission).

Besides, they did not look after their constituencies, never voiced the plight of the people or championed their causes. Further, they showed poor performance in Parliament – never or seldom speaking up and participating in debates.

Some Umno top leaders take opportunity of the situation. PM Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor met almost all of them – including some non-members of Parliament or State Councils who could be used – enticing them with all kinds of reward. We are well-informed that millions of ringgit has been stacked by Najib and his corporate cronies for the purpose of buying MPs and state councilors, especially from KEADILAN.

Najib and other senior leaders of Umno have proclaimed that they would fight against corruption. Instead, they are now indulging in big scale political and financial corruption. Their corrupt acts will certainly make KEADILAN stronger and more consolidated and supported by the people.

Dr Syed Husin Ali
Deputy President, KEADILAN

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